Monday, December 28, 2009

Food cravings at bay -- even though Christmas!

It's been 12 days since I went to see Yefim Shubentsov and I'm still holding steady. As of right now I no longer crave all of the things I wanted "erased". I'm managing my portion sizes, will occasionally have a healthy snack between meals ... and I'm also down about 6lbs. I'm sure it's water weight, but it's a loss none the less.

It's all been effortless. I still feel like it's too good to be true, or lasting! We shall see.

KK v12

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Free Follow up Phone Calls

I haven't had a follow-up phone call, but this Harvard Crimson article explains what might happen ...

The article reads:

    "In the meantime, the phone kept ringing and Rita kept shouting. “Yes, Maria, what is your problem! Weight control? Okay—I will give him the receiver and you think ‘I am eating sweets, I am eating between meals.’” A second later, into the other room: “YEFIM! Weight control, line two!”"

"I went to him in 1995 for assistance with weight control ..."

The following is a post pulled from

The Mad Russian, is not mad!

by tac871
Feb 03 '06
9:10 am PST

I am a believer in Yefim Shubentsov.
THE TRICK IS TO GO ALONE! Living in Massachusetts, I know dozens of people who have seen this "Mad Russian", mostly for smoking. Only the ones who have gone alone have continued to this date, to remain non-smoking.

I went to him in 1995 for assistance with weight control. (You have to give up something specific, so i concentrated on giving up all chocolate and donuts). I could eat 6 donuts in a sitting, and many chocolate bars before being satisfied.
To this date i have no desire or cravings for these. The smell of chocolate turns my stomach, and if i unknowlingly get a piece in my mouth - my tongue goes numb, example: if it is hidden in a cookie(I gave up chocolate, not 'cookies').

Donuts: no desire. I can walk into a Dunkin Donuts, take a deep breath of the donut smell (which does smell wonderful) and only order a coffee. This is such a wonderful sensation to experience. The 'urge' is there for a second and it completely disappears.

My father went in the 1980's to stop smoking (he was a 2+ pack/day smoker), and he quit, cold turkey. The only side effect was after dinner, he would unconsciously pat his pockets, get up from the table, search his office for "something," and come back to the table. We all knew he was looking for a cigarette - but he had no clue.
Yes, Yefim has his quirks, but he can work, if you go alone.

My Vist to Yefim Shubentsov for Craving Control (& Weight Loss)

On Wednesday, December 16th 2009 I attended the Weight Control session in Yefim Shubentsov's office in Brookline, MA.

The experience was a bit surreal and I completely understand where the "Mad Russian" moniker came from. He was a very nice man, has a very thick accent, speaks quickly and has a pretty good sense of humor.

It's a group session with 12 people in total. The session from end to end is about 3 hours long, but you only have about 30 seconds of 1:1 time with him. In that 30 seconds you have to think of all the foods you no longer want to eat and he "erases" them. In addition he gives you the option to "erase" other compulsive behavior if you choose -- such as nail biting, or alcohol.

Sweets, fried foods and and grazing between meals are my big problems -- they were on the list of things that I wanted to be "erased". It's only been 3 days since I left his office, but so far so good.

I'll be back with an update down the road.